How to get Married In Denmark during Covid! 


Have the wedding on Ærø!

Ærø has been remarkable during the pandemic for its extremely low rate of infection compared to everywhere else in Denmark. And Denmark itself has coped better than most other EU countries. (Fingers crossed I am not jinxing things by pointing this out.) In fact the figures are really astonishing. Since the start of the pandemic, Ærø has by far the lowest incidence of covid in Denmark – less than half that of most other municipalities. Even more amazing, the incidence on Ærø is (up to yesterday) 89.9% lower than Copenhagen’s. And, at the moment, there are still zero cases here.

No one has done any research yet as to why it is. But many factors are obvious – we have loads of space, clean fresh air, and spend lots of time outdoors. More people bike or walk than use public transport, and there are of course no crowds. And maybe as a small island we have an extra-strong sense of community and a sense of local social responsibility. But none of that explains why the rate here is half that of Bornholm and a third that of Samsø (two comparable Danish islands). Is it the beer?


There are so many compelling reasons for eloping, or just having a small wedding. High amongst them are the lack of stress, and the freedom to do exactly as you like, for the most romantic experience possible. But now of course covid adds another reason – your elopement wedding is also way safer than a traditional wedding with lots of guests. And if secretly you always wanted to elope but did not know how to break it to the family…you now have the perfect excuse!


Be flexible!

But even with an elopement wedding here on Ærø, and however careful we all are, there are factors outside our control which will force a change to the plan. The main thing is travel of course – Denmark has had its borders pretty much closed, and when they open again the travel guidance will be updated weekly, with countries being put on the “red list” (bad) or the yellow list (good) on a rolling basis. Fortunately, with the help of our lovely registrars and partners, we can delay, reschedule and even bring weddings forward (see our Blog “the Cannonball Run”) very quickly. 

We learnt a lot from the first lockdown last year. It’s surprising what you can achieve when everyone has a common goal. There’s no doubt that we were all upset and disappointed over the situation; however, because everyone was positive and remarkably philosophical, we could be creative and ready with solutions. So whether it was downsizing, venue-shuffling or date changing, we felt that everyone still had a wonderful experience and got married in the best possible way!

Be informed!

It is really difficult to keep up with the latest covid developments, travel rules, and social guidance, but the better informed you (and we) are the easier it is to find good, safe solutions. Our government in Denmark has actually done a pretty good job with clear and timely information. This website is the main one we use, and then we add updates to the website frequently. 



We do everything we can to protect our couples while they are here, and make sure they are really informed before they come here. Our couples have a personal designated DIW planner who is ready to advise them whenever they have a question or need help. Perhaps most importantly we are right here in Ærøskøbing to help you with absolutely anything.

Our venues are also as safe as we can make them. The beach, lighthouse and Voderup are good, not least because they are outdoors. And the wedding room in the Merchants House is a private room (unlike the town hall). It is spacious and airy, has big, opening windows, and no dangerous air conditioning. We take care to clean and disinfect everywhere before and after weddings (even though the scientific consensus is now that transmission is mainly airborne). 

We can also keep couples updated with local restrictions and the current rules, such as when to wear a mask. We have an excellent covid test centre at the hospital where you can usually get an appointment only a day ahead, and they are free. 

We also have to take our share of responsibility for our fellow islanders – helping keep you safe helps keep us all safe! 

See you soon!

Of course, no one and nowhere can be 100% safe in these strange times. But on Ærø the numbers show we are the safest place in Denmark, and with DIW you can be sure we are doing everything we possibly can to make your wedding here not just charming, stress-free and special – but also safe. Danish Island Weddings will be here to welcome you! 

See you soon, we hope.


(all photos in this post of Liam&Pippa by Neli Garnet)